المكتبة الرقمية التفاعلية


2011 م

If you reach this page, do not think about what I wrote, think about what you have read

مقدمة كتاب كلمات
2011 م

The most beautiful words are the least letters, and the most beautiful sentences are the least words

افتتاحية كتاب (كلمات)
2011 م

My view of the emirate’s role was far more than being responsible for security only, but rather that it should push the development process with full force

محاضرة عن دور الأمارة في التنمية
2011 م

There is no way out of this dark tunnel except through the collective efforts of Arab thinkers, and they must impose their presence on the scene and say their word with impartiality and clarity.

مجلة أهلا وسهلا السعودية
2011 م

Development, very simply, means the harmonious transition of the human being of society and its material to a higher civil stage within the framework of the data and values ​​of this society and according to specialized scientific and applied studies.

مقابلة مع صحيفة المدينة
2011 م

A person should always strive to gain the respect and confidence of others, otherwise it will not benefit him according to or relative

من كتاب مسافة التنمية وشاهد عيان
2011 م

We are all in need of patience with the world and its misery, and to watch with great patience that carefree moment that slows down on us and often misses the date but finally appears on the horizon, and then it wipes out the misery of all days

مقابلة مع صحيفة الجزيرة
2011 م

The equation of balance between belief and values ​​and between material civilization cannot be established without an enlightened understanding of the legal method

من كتاب مسافة التنمية وشاهد عيان